Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Bovine Growth Hormones

In the last century there has been a lot of increased research in science which has greatly influenced our daily life. Introduction of new technologies like the recombinant DNA technology has led to new developments in the agricultural, pharmaceutical and molecular biology. It is possible to produce proteins in organisms where they are not originally produced through recombinant DNA technology. A gene sequence is incorporated in an organism capable of reproducing fast to allow production of large volumes of the protein for example bacteria.Hormones like insulin are produced this way while others that have a lot of influence in the physiological functions on humans and animals are produced synthetically for example Bovine hormone which is given to dairy cows in order to increase milk production. Bovine Growth Hormone The pituitary glands of cows naturally produce the hormone bovine somatotropin (bST) that is responsible for production of milk in cows. Some of the bST hormone reaches t he liver while in circulation and stimulates production of insulin like growth factor one (IGF-1).Combination of these two hormones leads to increased degradation of fats for energy and also prevents mammary glands cell death. The increased fat degradation is thought to be reason behind increased milk production. Due to advancement in science it was made possible to synthetically produce this hormone by recombinant DNA technology. The Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) which was the first genetically engineered animal drug produced by Monsanto in 1994 which is one of the largest biotechnology companies in the world.The hormone is injected to the cows even when the produce enough bovine somatotropin which puts the animal at risk because two hormones with the same purpose will be involved. Introduction of this hormone to dairy farmers was faced with a lot of controversy because it was shown to have health hazards to human beings who take milk from cows injected with this hormone . Monsanto went ahead to introduce the rBGH though with a lot of opposition from farmers and the public.This hormone was shown to increase reproduction of cows by about 25%. In the process the health and reproduction of the cows decreases from the effect of the rBGH. It was criticized by many industrialized nations because they thought that it would cause negative effects on humans. It was later proved that this hormone had drastic effects on cattle and also on humans. Independent research was done by organizations like the consumers union, cancer prevention coalition and other international governments like the Canadian government.All these organizations found out that milk from a cow injected with rBGH hormone contained high amounts of potent cancer tumor promoter IGF-1 and could also be absorbed through the gastro intestinal tract thereby leading to immunological effects . Absorption of this hormone to the body also influences cancer accelerating hormone Insulin like Growth Facto r – 1(IGF-1) that leads to abnormal growth of cells (malignant cells) which causes the major cancers like breast and prostrate cancers.. Monsanto had attempted to cover up all these negative effects on humans and cows.This was facilitated by the US Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture who went ahead licensing the rBGH and other genetically engineered organisms without the necessary safety test. Some of the journalist from Fox company who tried to air the Monsanto story fairly and honestly. The journalist had reported about the rBGH hormone and the possible health hazards to people who take milk and beef from cows injected with this hormone. were dismissed from the broadcasting company without any definite reasons.It was therefore evident that Monsanto was out to make huge profits without concern if their products were safe enough to be utilized in animals and the subsequent shift to humans through milk and beef. Conclusion The increased provision of f unds for research has led to more discoveries and development of new scientific products. However, whenever a new product is developed it is the responsibility of developer to carry out critical safety tests to avoid endangering the lives of many people. Each and every technological innovation has its advantages and disadvantages.Once a new product is introduced all the pros and cons of that product should be addressed accordingly. It is also the responsibility of each state to ensure that all new products developed in that state are safe and should not hesitate to take legal actions if the product is capable of threatening life. References Nina, R. Food safety: a reference handbook. 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO, 2007 Lisa, N. science and social context: the regulation of recombinant bovine growth hormone in North America. McGill- Queen’s Press–MQUP, 2002. Bernice, Z. Issues and Dilemma of Biotechnology: a reference guide. 2nd edition. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lifestyle Diseases

Since the dawn of civilization, man’s physical attributes have always been in accordance with the work he was supposed to do. It has been proven that we were ape like before and had lots of body hair, which was then to protect us from cold. Eventually as time passed our physicality changed a lot, and we started to walk erect, but still we were built in such a way that we were fit for hunting and to endure other physical conditions. As centuries began to unfold, we started developing at a brisk pace and we have reached a stage of today, where we can get food by paying money for which we have to work, and that too doesn’t have to be necessarily a strenuous labor job. This change in lifestyle has brought about a lot of positivism and negativity in our lives.Today we don’t have to strive for food nor fight wild animals, but today we have to work long hours, which how much ever tiring maybe aren’t strenuous to what we had to do earlier. This exact change has br ought in the ‘lifestyle diseases’, which are responsible for maximum deaths in countries which are either developed or are in the brink of becoming developed. Today we have development in the field of medicine and the diseases of yester years are either extinct or they don’t possess a threat much. Since we don’t have much threat from infectious diseases as much as we had before, the life style diseases which mainly comprise of the following, affect us the most:These diseases have been associated with the new way of life and come into the generic term of lifestyle diseases. Compared to the olden times, today obesity is a major problem which can be assessed by the following:‘By 2001, almost 21 percent of adults were obese, representing a nearly 75 percent increase. Because these data are based on self-reported height and weight, obesity rates are most likely even higher than these estimates suggest. Results from the 1999 National Health and Nutrition E xamination Survey, which collects data through clinical measurements, found that approximately 30 percent of U.S. adults are obese and an additional 34 percent are overweight and Even more alarming is the increase of those who are morbidly obese; that is, those who are 100 pounds or more overweight’ (Eileen Salinsky).Obesity has been the root of many problems. Today children are always eating processed junk food and cola rather than salads and vegetables and milk. The pizzas and burgers how much ever scrumptious it is, cannot be considered as a main food and due to this reason not children but adults too tend to bloat up. An obese person is always at risk for heart diseases, diabetes and liver diseases. Being obese makes a person more inactive, this leads to other problems of muscles and joints. For obesity it is said that the more you eat the more you are eaten from inside. Today diseases like cancer have been one of the prime forces in eliminating mankind. There have been l ots of deaths and amputations that have been accounted to cancer.This diseases which was not much active in the olden times, is today’s prime diseases. Cancer has various forms, and if not it could have been prevented from maintaining a good staple diet. One thing that can be attributed from a lifestyle point of view is that in the west and developed countries, there has been a serious loss of staple food and required vegetables in the diet and there has been a major increase of meat and wine. Because of the use more technology cell phones have become a common thing amongst people, including teenagers, but one thing they do not know is using a cell phone over an hour increase the chances of having brain tumor as it emits high amount of radiation. Many people have contracted these tumors, but have failed to realize this that it was due to their lifestyle.Heart Attacks and diabetes which also are lifestyle diseases are the worst in the group as they have killed more people than even one can imagine. The following will cement the fact about arteriosclerosis and diabetes:  The WHO estimates that atherosclerosis (heart attacks and strokes) and diabetes (90% of the Type 2 variety) kill about 20 million people every year, more than are killed by war, famine, AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined, and more than might conceivably be killed in a single pandemic of bird flu. Bill Gates gives billions to trying to eliminate infectious disease but never mentions the really big killer, cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the form of atherosclerosis and hypertension or high blood pressure’ (Pandemic Lifestyle diseases 2007).Life style diseases can be treated too, but it takes it toll on the individual, and for instances of heart and all major by pass operations have to performed, or for cancer chemotherapy or amputation of the part is required.The best way is prevention of these diseases by changing our lifestyles. If we endorse certain amount of exercise and r ight amount of nutritious food then the chances of contracting these diseases go down by huge percentages. Fore mostly, it is very essential to keep a check on junk food and easy to make fried food. Apart from increasing cholesterol and obesity, these foods don’t help much. There has to be a steady intake of staple food with maintaining an equal balance of vegetables and meat. One has to make sure to complete a certain amount of exercise, be it a small run or doing exercises in the gym. This physical exercise will help increase the much needed blood circulation and in turn help people to live healthy.The high amount of work loads only worsens the living environment, as tensions give rise to many diseases. Those working always on tight deadlines suffer the most from it. The only way to counter it is to take time out to relax and practice mind reliving techniques which can be attained via yoga or reiki. The lesser the tension the more an individual can live longer and enjoy lif e.   Alcohol and smoking, which are considered to be very normal in today’s times, are one of the worst ways of affecting our body.Smoking contracts blood cells and can give lung cancer, along with dampening one’s stamina and appetite. Alcohol on the other hand makes one obese, addicted and also causes serious troubles in the liver and kidney region. If one can refrain from smoking and have very limited quantity of alcohol, then he reduces huge chances of getting diseases. The best part of lifestyle disease is it can be easily prevented with certain precautions. Everybody have to die in this world, but the choice of dying young due to lifestyle diseases or dying when you are old is a choice one has to make.Works Cited:1)    Eileen Salinsky, Principal Research Associate Wakina Scott, Research Associate â€Å"Obesity in America: A Growing Threat†, 11th July 2003,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Pandemic of Lifestyle Diseases† , 14th October 2007,

Monday, July 29, 2019

Built of separate "episodes"

Built of separate episodes Essay Eric confesses that he had got the girl pregnant and further more that he had stolen money from his fathers firm to give to her. However, after learning about his mothers recent involvement with the girl he quickly blames her for the death of Eva Smith and her unborn child. The family are completely shocked and ashamed of themselves. Finally, the Inspector makes a speech about social responsibilities, as if directly answering to Mr. Birlings speech earlier in the evening. He then leaves. Gradually, Mr. Birling realises that the man could not have been a real police inspector. They also realise that they may have not all been talking about the same girl or in fact, whether any girl had actually committed suicide. This is confirmed by a telephone to the infirmary. The family feel relieved to hear this although Sheila and Eric seem to have been influenced strongly by the evening. The others restore confidence in themselves and their actions. At this point the telephone rings and reports that a young woman had just died in the infirmary and an inspector is on his way to make inquiries regarding her death. In this play Priestley uses dramatic techniques and creates a cliff-hanger. This is done by each act ending leaving the audience to wonder what will happen next. For example the first act leaves the audience curious as to how Gerald was involved with daisy Renton. The second act leaves the audience to realise Erics involvement with Eva Smith and wonder what will happen between the end of Geralds affair with the girl and Mrs. Birlings meeting with her. The third and concluding act still leaves the audience to wonder what will happen next. The telephone call at the end reopened the question of the Inspectors identity. It also leaves the audience wondering whether it will be the same inspector who comes to question them and how events will progress this time around. The plot allows the action to flow smoothly and continually creating a sense of time and place. This is so all through the three acts where the next act would start at the same point at which the previous act had finished. The play is built of separate episodes where each character takes the lead role. Also, all actions and speeches represented something or were done for a reason. Even the entering and leaving of each character allowed new aspects of the plot to be introduced or developed. For example, Geralds decision to go for a walk allows him to alter the course of events after the inspectors departure. Also, Erics absence allows his involvement with daisy Renton and his drinking problem to be explored in a way that would not be possible by his presence. The Inspectors selective use of the diary and photograph allows the audience to know Eva Smiths order of events in the two years. Each part fits together like a jigsaw puzzle allowing the audience to understand Eva smiths feelings and helps the audience to predict what will happen in the third act.

Virtual Child Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Virtual Child - Essay Example My virtual child did not feel too close to his father because the father was not within the proximity of the child too often. The child starts recognising the persons in the surrounding by sensing the smell. The touch, sight and smell are important elements to provide comfort to the child. For the mother of course it will be next to impossible to forget the pains with which she is able to have the child. While early on the baby appears confused as the sensory mechanism is not fully developed, at 3-month old period the child is certainly in a position to recognise the parents and tries to feel better in the company, while resisting the efforts of others in taking control. 8-month period is certainly a long period for the child-parent relationship. The child starts uttering few words and indulges in some innocent sign language, which helps the bonding amongst the individuals. 2. Describe and give examples of changes in your child's exploratory or problem solving behavior from 8 through 18 months and categorize them according to Piaget's theory and information processing theories. Note that 8 months is included, so you'll need to use the time-line to look back at 8 months for examples. The period between 8 and 18 months happens to... These changes take place with active support from parents. Jean Piaget explained in 1930s that the cognitive development in child passes through four phases, namely (Meadows, 1987); Sensory-motor (first 2 years) Pre-operational (from 2 to 7) Concrete operational (from 7 to 10). Formal operational (10 onwards) In this case the period upto 18 months will be the one where the sensory power will be developed. 3. Analyze your own parenting philosophy and practices. What principles from social learning theory, Bowlby, Ainsworth, Piaget, Vygotsky, information processing theory, developmental neuroscience and other theories do you appear to have relied on in making your parenting choices or interpreting your child's behavior Include three principles/theorists from the above list in your answer. Mary Ainsworth expanded upon the theory of Bowlby and tried to observe the growth of 12-18 months. The 'strange situation' is one of the pioneering works of Ainsworth. Based on this Ainsworth underlined three major styles of attachment, namely, secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment, and avoidant-insecure attachment. Piaget came out with the cognitive theory by analyzing how the minds of children work and develop over the years in view of the surroundings and the style of grooming by parents. He concluded that the development of thinking is not smooth in kids, instead it develops into stages. 18 months, 7 years and 12 years have been found out as three critical stages by Piaget for this purpose. Vygotsky social development theory underlines the importance of social interaction in the cognitive development of a child. Slightly differing with Piaget, Vygotsky inferred that development follows social learning. Therefore, as per this theory spending

Sunday, July 28, 2019

No topic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

No topic - Term Paper Example This is however can only be controlled using the electronic health records. This can be initiated through Government accountability office, which can fix inconsistencies in various methods (Mitka 1402). The second paragraph of the article irons out reasons, for the meaningful use of technology in health systems. Meaningful use of technology in health institutions have diverse effects and at the same time costly. For example the health sector designates a lot of money totaling to $56 million to hospitals equipped to use high technology EHRS. The current congress has made many changes initiating automated information sharing within hospitals. This is a good progress in hospitals; however, the challenge is receiving of incentive payment. In addition to incentive payment, conditions, which must be met include detailed demographics and problem list to initiate the projects. This gets followed by care documents generated by EHRS with specific conditions. Implementing, the support tool initiate data, electronically in public health institutions. In due time, many health facilities will be able to meet the conditions; rendering them capacitated and up to date in technology. In the last paragraph of the article a quotation, â€Å"Developing the next new device or medication with potential blockbuster status is the current primary driver of the research enterprise†¦Given the high costs and potential for poor outcomes among patients with multiple chronic conditions, it is imperative for research to pursue answers to comparative effectiveness in this population. Moreover, accelerating the production and use of requisite research will be most efficient and relevant if generated as a by-product of care delivery†. This is a quotation of comparative effectiveness stressing collaborative networks of health institutions (Conway and Clancy 764). The purpose of the memo is to inform you of the improvement in the health

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Riordan Corporate Compliance Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Riordan Corporate Compliance Plan - Essay Example The officials and the directors of Riordan are obligated to comply with all state corporation requirements, the Articles of incorporation, and its By-Laws. This is crucial as it entails for maintaining harmonious working relationship in the company, minimise conflicts arousal and in case they arise should be tackled in the best way possible. (ii) Legal Liability of Riordan Administration Looking at the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Riordan Industries, their dedication and commitment towards ensuring high ethical standards, as well as compliance to the applicable laws in all its practices, is outstanding in the company. In order to make sure that the operations in all programs and service delivery are conducted with compliance to appropriate laws and uphold high ethical standards; a Corporate Compliance Plan is inevitable. ... The steps outlined in the Plan are crucial to the company in the prevention of negative and uncalled for actions; further, facilitate the company to benefit from risks and eventually roll predictions to the benefit of the company (Biegelman, 2008). There is crucial necessity to look into given matters that could extend into many larger inconveniences and challenges if the company fails to manage assertively, the activities involved. (iii) Legal options In the eventual arising of legal problems concerning Riordan Manufacturing, the most probable and cost effective method will be employed. Whenever applicable, Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) will be imperative for use instead of the traditional forms of litigation to save the company time, money and possible public analysis. The reason behind the use of ADR at Riordan is because it will lead to an effective way of resolving the current dispute and enhancing business competition with each other. The following section looks into th e ADR of Riordan in details. Alternative Dispute Resolution Riordan Manufacturing will incorporate the use of ADR where possible in its quest to handle disputes, differences, discrepancies, controversies and dissension among the employees. There are instances where the employee engages in illegal activities or hinders proper investigations; in such circumstances, the employee is subject to litigation or cessation of duties. Further, the employee is right to obtaining of legal counsel whenever situations warrants for, and at the employee’s expense. Whenever a case has a direct bearing on the welfare of the organization, legal counsel can be provided at the employer’s

Friday, July 26, 2019

Wal-Mart Stores Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wal-Mart Stores - Essay Example The company was incorporated On October 31, 1969, as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Sam Walton died in 1992, since then the Company has progressed tremendously, transforming from being just the largest American retailer to securing the top spot as the largest company of the world on Fortune 500 list. (Lichtenstein, N. (2006). Business: The CEO of Wal-Mart U.S. believes that tremendous oppertunitunies are waiting to be seized by growing the Company through setting up Walmart ExpressTM and similar new formats in urban as well as minority areas of the United States of America. Walmart has a total of 4,700 retail stores in American, making it the America’s largest retailer. Site to Store ®, Fed-Ex Site to Store ® and Pick up today ® are Walmart’s leveraging innovations which ensures shopping flexibility for customers. Walmart offers web services across 15 countries which do not require the physical presence of the store to provide large discount services. The Company aims to o rganize its web efforts and meanwhile expand the services to many other countries of the world. The professional leadership of Walmart stores is fully prepared to launch financial plans to strengthen important financial issues regarding growth, returns to shareholders and leverage. Profit: Wal-Mart began as a dream which was nurtured with determination, passion and the desire to expand and resulted in being one of the most successful ventures in the American history. Like always, a strong solid financial performance was delivered by Walmart in the fiscal year 2011.Walmart’s net sales showed an increase of 3.4 % and therefore the net sales were increased to $419 billion. In addition, the overall operating income increased by 6.4%. Hence, the operating income was increased to $25 billion. The Company’s diluted earnings from continuing operations showed a rise of 12%, thus increasing the diluted earnings to $4.16 per share. The company, through dividends and share repurch ases was able to return $19.2 billion to its shareholders. The great results of the fiscal year of 2011, reflects the strong basis of its underlying business and the ability to deliver shareholder value. The success of Walmart is due to the fact that it strives hard to maintain a momentum in areas of success, while simultaneously work on weak areas to bring a change. Business Environment: Warlmart owns a total 8000 retail stores worldwide whose global sales are approximately $400 billion annually. Wal-Mart team proposed the idea of forming a supercenter in low income community area near Los Angeles in 2004. The idea behind the construction of large discount supercentre in Inglewood was to introduce the Californians with Wal-Mart’s supercentre project. Due to the consistent efforts of the Walmart team, the Company is the greatest positioned retailer of the world. Wal-Mart Supercenters were first established in the early 1980s and are characterized by a full grocery line and ma ny specialty departments which offer products at large discounts. Thus, accomplishing Wal-Mart’s mission which states: â€Å"We save people money, so they can live better.† The company now intends to expand its supercenters and introduce new formats across many countries of the world. (Fishman, C. (2006). Economy: The 4,700 Wal-Mart departmental stores across America have provided employment to more than 1.3 million individuals. However, the Company is blamed for causing serious economic impacts such as net loss of jobs. Some economists believe that a single

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic Marketing - Case Study Example It is a democratic country which ensures that the tourism industry enjoys stability and hence the hotel industry will also get benefitted. India has a specific ministry called tourism ministry which formulates strategies to enhance the tourism sector in India. Indian government charges huge amount of taxes from the luxury hotels which will have a huge impact as political scenario changes. The hotel industry in India gets good incentives and the respective state governments also supports development of such hotels and their growth. Though the terrorist attacks on Taj Hotels and Oberoi hotel have led to drop in foreign travellers, Indian government is taking steps to allay such fears (Kachwala and Mukherjee, 2009, p. 158). Economic Factors India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world with the GDP growing almost 4 to 5 % where the rest of the world economies are slowing down. Hence many business meetings and conferences are held in India and the hotel industry tries to cap italize on that. It is seen that many foreign tourist travellers are now willing to spend money to get their value for it. As economy of India is increasing at a good pace, it signifies investments in infrastructure, construction of new avenues for tourist, increase in promotional expenditure, beautification of the cities and towns etc. These give a boost to the hotel industry. With high growth in GDP and a sound financial system, the hotel industry has grabbed the chance of enhancing their profitability (Anand, 1976, p. 43). Socio-Cultural India being a diverse nation has diverse languages, traditions, cultures, cuisines; making it an ideal destination for cultural tourism. India has more 22 languages recognized by constitution and 1600 dialects. Hence cultural tourism in India will rise and so will the growth of the hotel industry. According to Indian culture they always treat guest as God. In Sanskrit there is a popular Shloka â€Å"ATHITHI DEVO BAHVAH†. It gestures the lo ve for their guest that exist in India. Foreigners love this concept and are pleased with the love they get in travelling to India. This also enhances the Hotel Industry (Briggs, 2001, p. 49). Technological In today’s globalised world Information technology plays a critical role in tourism planning and implementation. There are web based platform like, in India which provides tourist booking hotels online. Most of the luxury hotels are now Wi-Fi enabled. More technology means less manpower and chance of lesser complaints. This shows enhancement of the Hotel Industry In India transportation system is not as per the international standard. For any nation to be successful in tourism industry it must be equipped with efficient transportation system which is capable of carrying large volumes of people in a cost efficient way. India is lagging behind in this front. If this improves a foreigner can easily find such luxury hotels and travel there comfortably (Kannan, 2005, p. 39). Environmental In India the environmental forces supports the Hotel Industry in India. Environmental forces like growth of GDP, Political stability in India supports the Hotel industry in India. Legal Indian Legal system is very strong and it doesn’t support any flouting of rules like keeping emergency services ready, keeping the appropriate records of the foreign visitors, paying of appropriate taxes etc. Such

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Qualitative vs. Quantitative - Research Paper Example Quantitative research can be defined as a method of systematic experimental inquiry of social phenomena with statistical, mathematical or other graphical techniques. Furthermore, the prime objective of quantitative research is to generate and to utilize mathematical models, hypothesis and theories among others to appropriately derive accurate findings related to any phenomenon (Sukamolson, 2005). The paper intends to discuss and to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research. The differences of the research methods will be recognized through the types of questions and methods used in these research methods. A review of pertinent literatures will be conducted to comprehend the prevailing distinctiveness between the two research methods. Furthermore, the paper also includes analysis of the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods in terms of certain factors such as selection procedure of samples, data collection methods and data management along with data analysis as well as instrument and purpose. The aspect of requirement of any kind of training of the researcher to properly execute the assessment process through quantitative and qualitative research has also been highlighted. The paper takes into consideration the aspect that how these two research methods are used in nursing. Types of Questions Question is a form of query statement which helps to elicit certain reply from the respondent. In relation to the aspect, it can be recognized that question is used by every person in their livelihood for expanding knowledge or to help others to expand their understanding (Skow, 2010). With reference to the context of qualitative and quantitative research, researchers generally prefer to use certain forms of questions in order to collect information for their research. Moreover, the questions in qualitative research are often based upon the present scenarios or trends. Generally, the questions of qualitative research are identif ied when they emphasize more on individual’s perception and thought. Similarly, those questions which help to gather in-depth knowledge upon certain problems are also considered under qualitative research questions. Additionally, the questions of qualitative research are formulated with the help of why and how statements (Creswell, 2008). Examples of qualitative research questions can be: why the circumstances occurred? And how did this happen? Quantitative research questions are those questions which are based upon present and future aspects. The quantitative research question is identified by its nature because it prevails the upcoming facts or consequences of the undertaken problem which means it essentially comprises predictive type of questions. Moreover, the questions of this research are those questions which reveal the relationships and comparatives (Nenty, 2009). Examples of quantitative research questions can be: Do you agree to the fact? Which aspect you like? Type s of Methodology Methods in research can be stated as the systematic process of collecting and analyzing the data along with interacting with the respondents. Moreover, qualitative research methodology can be classified as the process of collec

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


THE NATURE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND THE CONTEMPORARY ENVIRONMENT - Assignment Example nt of the differing cultures within the organization in order to determine an appropriate way of managing the organization in order to enhance the profitability of such organizations. My score did not surprise, I had adequate understanding of the varied cultures interviewed. The United States is a cosmopolitan society. This implies that the society experiences some of the cultural conflicts quizzed in the interview. As such, I have interacted with people from varied cultural settings and therefore understood the differences in cultures in the different societies. Among the strengths I exhibit in intercultural awareness is the fact that I have interacted with people from varied cultural backgrounds. Through such interactions, I understood the intricate features of the culture besides understanding the dynamic nature of cultures. Through our interactions, we trade cultural values as people abandon specific cultural features they feel retrogressive and adopt new cultural values. The dynamic feature of culture has helped integrate the society, as the world became a global village. The weaknesses I portrayed in the quiz was lack of knowledge of African cultures among other cultures of far flung areas such the minority societies in east Asia and the enclosed areas such as Northern Korea. Understanding culture is often relative depending on the interactions that people have with each other. My lack of knowledge of such cultures is therefore a portrayal of the enclosed nature of the societies a feature that therefore limits their interactions with the rest of the world. However, I must improve my weaknesses and build my strengths in order to enhance my understanding of the cultural differences in the different societies. In order to do this, I plan to undertake studies on cultures. I plan to read different books that address the cultural diversity in the society. Existing literatures provide appropriate information about different cultures including cultural practices

Is marriage an outdated tradition Essay Example for Free

Is marriage an outdated tradition Essay Is Marriage an Outdated Tradition? In this essay I will be explaining whether marriage Is an outdated tradition along with my opinion and the ones of Christians. In my oplnlon I believe that No, marriage Is the same strong, important connection it was 100 years ago. The difference is the people who enter into it, and the way society no longer supports the couples who choose it. Weve become a need It now society and are ready to discard whatever doesnt give us Instant happiness. Divorce has become so acceptable that couples go Into arriage with the plan to divorce If they arent satisfied (prenup) as compared to the people in our past who believed marriage was forever and were motivated to keep working at the relationship and to make it work. Today couples are ready to give up as soon as its not fun or the sex becomes dull. The other part of the problem Is societys lack of support for marriage. The UK benefit system Is too lenient towards those who choose to have children without being married therefore helping them with housing, childcare, schooling and food. The rest f the family before would be providing emotional support and pressure for the couple to work at the relationship, now its more looked at it as being only their problem and not a problem for the people around them. Today were more concerned about an individuals right to personal happiness than to supporting responsible or ethical behaviour-I believe a persons happiness Is extremely Important but peoples morals and ethics are what make them happy. I also believe the idea that something thats worth having is worth fighting for, having omething a long time, the pride of working at something, at pushing through the hard stuff to be able to stand back and look with pride at having made something great, is gone. The Christians of the Catholic Church teach prohibition of premarital sex along with the rejection of homosexual marriage, abortion and contraception but also the acceptance of everyone and equality but while all those are very Important none is what makes the bond of marriage stick. It happens when two people who are free to marry and are physically and emotionally capable of marriage give themselves o each other, understanding that marriage means being open to life and commitment and to faithful love till death.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Korean conflict of 1950 to 1953 Essay Example for Free

The Korean conflict of 1950 to 1953 Essay To what extent was the Korean conflict of 1950 to 1953 a turning point in the Cold War? The beginnings of the Cold War, the period between 1945 and 1949, were fraught with a mutual tension and distrust sustained chiefly by the bold, economically expansionist policies of the USA and the defensive, albeit retaliatory, responses of the Soviet Union. Until 1950, America had relied upon her own currency in curtailing what she perceived as the spread of communist influence. The start of the Korean War, however, saw the revampment of American policy and the globalisation, as well as the exacerbation, of the existing superpower tension. As such, to a large extent, the Korean conflict was a departure from previous trends in the American-Soviet conflict. In reaffirmation of my stand is the fact that the battlefield had expanded beyond the borders of continental Europe into the environmentally hostile regions of Korea, and that the participants of this new Cold War were no longer confined to the superpowers themselves. At the same time, though only to a slight degree, the Korean War was still reminiscent of the old, European Cold War, as manifested by Trumans citing of the Domino Theory in the face of an invasion of South Korea by the communist North, a typical instance of American failure to fully grasp the situation with which they are dealing. Of foremost importance to the turning point of the superpower enmity is the implementation of NSC 68. As aforementioned, before the conflict extended to Asia, the USA had capitalised upon its financial power by channelling economic aid to client states in combating Soviet communism. This policy of economic expansion was no longer adhered to in Korea, as demonstrated by the NSC 68 which marked the militarisation of the Cold War in essence. Under internal pressure, the Truman administration propounded an expansion of American military forces and atomic stockpile, as well as the hastened development of a thermonuclear bomb to remain a step ahead of the Soviets in the nuclear field. This new policy of rollback is evident from the period of 1950 to 1953, during which the USA had increased its military output sevenfold and was in a state of preparedness for war. Believing in the necessity for the US military to outnumber or be on par with the large Soviet army in terms of number, Truman advocated an increase in military spending and managed to extract billions of dollars from Congress to be spent on the expansion of American armed forces, the rendering of military succour to potential allies, and the development of the hydrogen bomb. The presidents belief in the importance of armed and nuclear supremacy also resonated with Washington as a whole. In addition, in response to North Korean invasion of the democratic South, Truman had called for international involvement in the regional conflict in forming an attack force consisting of the South Korean army, as well as contingents from fifteen other countries not including America herself. The expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was also a deviation from American action in post-war Europe. NATO was immediately given a larger secretariat and a more unified command structure. A total of four US divisions were sent to Europe to act as reinforcements and, in 1951, the organisation was enlarged to accommodate new members, namely Turkey and Greece. Acting opportunistically to threaten the USSR, the USA had made use of Turkey, which lay in close proximity with Soviet Russia, as a military base on which American Jupiter missiles could be established. Due to the excellent geographical location of Turkey, these missiles could be aimed and fired at the Soviet Union, and acted as a deterrence against the Soviet invasion of Middle Eastern oilfields. To strengthen NATO and assist its member allies, the USA had been in favour of an increase in military spending and had channelled economic aid to its allies. Previously, in 1949, before the superpower conflict expanded beyond its regional borders, the organisation was set up with only the intention of acting as a disincentive against a communist attack on the capitalist West. While it was still meant to deter potential communist aggression, the new, expanded NATO had also posed a direct military threat to the Soviets, as demonstrated by the placing of US Jupiter Missiles in Turkey and American exhortation of increasing military spending, and had thus contributed to the militarisation of the conflict as a whole. American advocacy for West German rearmament and sovereignty differed significantly from earlier policy as well. In the past, after German defeat in World War II, the USA had feared the recrudescence of German aggression. With the outbreak of the Korean War, however, the fear of a revived Germany was transcended by an intense paranoia of communist expansion. The rearmament and procurement of full-fledged independence of West Germany was deemed a necessity as a result; the resurrection of Russias former wartime adversary would rekindle old fears of German expansion and deter Soviet aggression. After the occurrence of war in Korea, in hopes of putting up a stronger attack front against the Soviets, the USA had begun to favour the idea of West German rearmament, which the French strongly opposed. Ultimately, to dispell French fears, the USA agreed to the French Pleven Plan to allow West Germany to be part of a European Defence Community. This, however, was met with disapproval from the Germans, most of whom were opposed to the idea of military rearmament and preferred instead to be independent of foreign control. Seeing as how the political and economic reconstruction of West Germany was a long-term goal, the USA agreed to remove all occupation controls and grant Germany full statehood. The Korean War was indubitably a turning point in the Cold War, as seen in the fact that its occurrence galvanised the Americans to rearm and grant independence to Germany, something that would previously have been regarded with doubt and apprehension. American signing of the ANZUS pact and recognition of Japan as a post-war ally varied from previous policy too. Like in the case of Germany, the USA had erstwhile been wary of future Japanese expansion and was not likely to grant Japan freedom from foreign supervision. The Korean War had changed American attitude entirely and had accelerated the political and economic recovery of Japan, which was confirmed in the signing of the San Francisco peace treaty in 1951. The treaty restored Japanese sovereignty and ended American occupation in Japan in the following year. In exchange for independence, Japan had to sign a Mutual Security Agreement, under which the Japanese islands were to act as a breakwater against the currents of communist expansion. The USA had also signed the ANZUS pact with New Zealand and Australia and, in so doing, agreed to defend Asia and Australia from Japanese aggression. In return, the two countries would assist in the deterrence of communist expansion in the Pacific. Similarly in the case of Germany, Japan would not have received its sovereignty if it were not for the Korean War, especially since the granting of Japanese independence might have been at the expense of the security of Australasia. American policy in Southeast Asia revealed the sudden central importance of the continent to the USA and this, in itself, was another departure from existing Cold War trends. In the early years prior to the start of war in Korea, the scope to which American policy functioned was limited only to continental Europe and parts of the Middle East. However, with the globalisation of the conflict, American operations in favour of confining the spectre of communist influence within the sphere from which it originated spanned from Europe to Asia. The USA provided relentless economic and military support to the French in their war with the Vietminh led by communist Ho, whom the Americans viewed as an agent of the Kremlin. In American eyes, both the non-communist countries of Southeast Asia and Japan were of pivotal significance in guaranteeing prosperity and hence freedom from communist influence. Before 1950, American intervention in communist acivities were confined only to Europe. However, with the outbreak of war in Korea, the scope of its policy had extended across the oceans to a foreign continent. This is revelatory of the far-reaching impacts of the Korean War on the superpower conflict. To an extent of lesser significance, however, the Korean War was an affirmation of the trends of the European Cold War. For instance, the USA had intervened in the regional conflict thinking that North Korean crossing of the 38th parallel was premeditated by Stalin. Such misrepresentations of global communist activities as being a result of the sole manipulation of the Soviet leader, and not the local leaders themselves, are a quintessence of American paranoia and oversight. Truman had also misread the situations in Greece and Turkey, unwavering in his erroneous view of communism as inherently monolithic. Trumans misunderstanding of the situation in Korea was further reinforced by his citing of the Domino theory in response to the North Korean invasion. The president stated that Asia would fall to Soviet communism should there be no action taken by America. As can be seen from this misinterpretation that was so typical of the irrational fear of the USA, the conflict in Korea does prove to be a confirmation of Cold War trends that were already in existence in post-war Europe. American response to the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China was another typical instance of the trends of the Cold War before 1953. On a basis of reasoning that was largely gratuitous by nature, Truman surmised that the Chinese communists were agents of Moscow sent by Stalin to communise the Asian periphery, referring to the communist takeover as the fall of China. America had responded ambivalently to the formation of the Chinese Communist Party, outwardly declaring the formation of diplomatic relations with the new regime, yet ordering the cessation of economic aid to Chiang Kai Shek. Hence it would seem that Truman had not only inherited Roosevelts title as president of America but also his intrinsic uncertainty and diplomatic ambiguity displayed at Yalta in 1945. Trumans ambiguous response to the fall of China reflected an inconsistency in American policy that was already exhibited earlier in the days when the Cold War was confined only to continental Europe. Even so, the events in Korea from 1950 to 1953 largely marked a turning point in the Cold War. This is seen in the extent of change in American policy thereafter, as well as the fact of international involvement in the conflict. Though only regional by nature, the Korean War had had far-reaching effects on foreign politics, like those of Japan and Germany, playing a major role in influencing American decision to grant full-fledged independence to these countries. Also, the Korean War marked the globalisation of what was once a regional conflict, as well as a departure from earlier American policy, from the provision of economic succour to the building up of armed forces and military and nuclear arsenal. As such, to a large extent, the Korean War was a turning point for the superpower enmity.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Critical Thinking For A Successful Student

Critical Thinking For A Successful Student Critical thinking is an important element of all qualified fields and academic disciplines (by referencing their respective sets of permissible questions, evidence sources, criteria, etc.). Within the structure of scientific skepticism, the process of critical thinking involves the careful acquisition and reading of information and use of it to reach a well-justified conclusion. The concepts and principles of critical thinking can be applied to any context or case but only by reflecting upon the nature of that function. Critical thinking forms, therefore, a system of related, and overlapping, modes of thought such as anthropological thinking, sociological thinking, historical thinking, political thinking, psychological thinking, philosophical thinking, mathematical thinking, chemical thinking, biological thinking, ecological thinking, legal thinking, ethical thinking, musical thinking, thinking like a painter, sculptor, engineer, business person, etc. In other words, though critical thinking principles are universal, their application to disciplines requires a process of philosophical contextualization. The key to seeing the significance of critical thinking in academics is in understanding the significance of critical thinking in learning. There are two meanings to the learning of this content. The first occurs when learners (for the first time) construct in their minds the basic ideas, principles, and theories that are inherent in content. This is a process of internalization. The second occurs when learners effectively use those ideas, principles, and theories as they become relevant in learners lives. This is a process of application. Good teachers cultivate critical thinking (intellectually engaged thinking) at every stage of learning, including initial learning. For students to learn content, intellectual engagement is crucial. All students must do their own thinking, their own construction of knowledge. Good teachers recognize this and therefore focus on the questions, readings, activities that stimulate the mind to take ownership of key concepts and principles underlying the subject. Critical thinking employs not only logic (either formal or, much more often, informal) but also broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance and fairness. One good advantage in critical thinking for university students is that ideas or information could be easily gotten from anywhere and anyone. It shouldnt be a surprise to know that even a madman could be responsible for the provision of valuable information needed in an important project. This means that anyone could be a source to unanswered questions that has proved difficult to find. Students who neglect peoples ideas end up missing a whole lot of valuable points which could have been of great assistance to them. Universities are known to be resourceful places where people could easily communicate with each other, meaning that it wont be difficult to extract information from people. Students could have group discussions, quiz and other social activity to extract knowledge from one another. So far, this aspect of critical thinking has critical thinking skills have helped a lot of students. In the process communicating with people, critical thinking can help students get along with each other. This is because if a person can evaluate a situation from a point of view other than his own, he or she will get a better knowledge on why people do what they do. Social conflict that is gotten from poor areas joining heads together can be avoided by this. This could widen a students social life and lead to better discussion with others. Conversely, the strong-sense critical thinker skillfully enters into the logic of problems and issues to see the problem for what it is without egocentric and/or socio-centric bias. Thus conceived, the strong-sense mind seeks to actively, systematically, reflectively, and fair-mindedly create insight with sensitivity to expose and address the many obstacles that compromise high quality thought and learning. Using strong critical thinking we might evaluate an argument, for example, as worthy of acceptance because it is valid and based on true premises. Upon reflection, a speaker may be evaluated as a credible source of knowledge on a given topic. Critical thinking can occur whenever one judges, decides, or solves a problem; in general, whenever one must figure out what to believe or what to do, and do so in a reasonable and reflective way. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening can all be done critically or uncritically. Critical thinking is crucial to becoming a close reader and a substantive writer. Expressed in most general terms, critical thinking is a way of taking up the problems of life. Critical thinking seems to be very important and relevant in every aspect of a students learning in a university institution. This is so because a university is a place where learning and discussions of different sort takes place. It is necessary to make every enquiry and research needed for a sound education and not just depending on the teachers lectures. Most students accept all they hear because of the laziness they bore and do not bother to make researches, ask questions or make appropriate inquires for more knowledge. This is a very wrong approach for tackling issues or learning because not everything one is being told or thought is hundred percent right. Teachers tend to make mistakes sometimes and its the job of the student to make researches after every lesson to assure that everything thought in the lecture class is fully right. In the process of doing that, one could have the opportunity to learn new things and not just hanging on or sticking to what is being thought in le ctures classes. Critical thinking is not a matter of accumulating information. A person with a good memory and who knows a lot of facts is not necessarily good at critical thinking. A critical thinker is able to deduce consequences from what he knows, and he knows how to make use of information to solve problems, and to seek relevant sources of information to inform himself. Critical thinking should not be confused with being argumentative or being critical of other people. Although critical thinking skills can be used in exposing fallacies and bad reasoning, critical thinking can also play an important role in cooperative reasoning and constructive tasks. Critical thinking can help us acquire knowledge, improve our theories, and strengthen arguments. We can use critical thinking to enhance work processes and improve social institutions. Some people believe that critical thinking hinders creativity because it requires following the rules of logic and rationality, but creativity might require breakin g rules. This is a misconception. Critical thinking is quite compatible with thinking out-of-the-box, challenging consensus and pursuing less popular approaches. If anything, critical thinking is an essential part of creativity because we need critical thinking to evaluate and improve our creative ideas. When you ask students to define critical thinking, they will often refer to this type of puzzle or brainteaser. And although developing critical thinking skills will help students solve this puzzle, critical thinking skills will also help students as they face crucial decisions in education and in life. Students, and all of us, are bombarded with ideas and with people trying to persuade us to accept the ideas they are promoting. You only have to turn on a television talk show to see this in action. At least when watching a talk show, the viewer is given some background information about the speakers credentials or lack of credentials and is usually aware of the personal bias that the speaker brings to the topic. The advent of the computer information age has presented us with a new challenge: a wealth of information distributed with few restrictions and often limited information about the author of the material. With the increasing use of web-based technology to gather and interpret information, teaching critical thinking skills to students is even more important. Critical thinking skills can help nurses apply the process of examination. Nurses through critical thinking skills can question, evaluate, and reconstruct the nursing care process by challenging the established theory and practice. Critical thinking skills can helps nurse problem solve, reflect, and make a conclusive decision about the current situation they face. Critical thinking creates new possibilities for the development of the nursing knowledge. Due to the socio cultural, environmental, and political issues that are affecting healthcare delivery, it would be helpful to embody new techniques in nursing. Nurses can acquire critical thinking skills through the Socratic method of dialogue and reflection. Critical thinking also is considered important for human rights education for toleration. The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance adopted by UNESCO in 1995 affirms that education for tolerance could aim at countering factors that lead to fear and exclusion of others, and could help young people to develop capacities for independent judgment, critical thinking and ethical reasoning

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Panama Canal :: American America History

Panama Canal How did we, humans, accomplish these great tasks? Such deeds are the Great Wall of China and the pyramids of Egypt. But one of these magnificent accomplishments is more significant than others: the Panama Canal. Encouraged by the French, the US built a vital link for the entire world. Despite previous failures by preceding organizations, the US was able to survive. This structure remains today as one of the greatest engineering marvels of the modern world. The Canal goes as far back as the 16th century after Europeans realizing the riches of South America and Asia. Charles I of Spain ordered the first survey of a proposed canal route through the Isthmus of Panama. The survey was finished in 1529 but wars in Europe simply put the project on hold. Then, Emperor Napoleon III of France toyed with the idea of a canal in French land across the sea but never thought much more of it. Various maps were drawn between 1850 and 1875 and proved that only 2 routes were possible: one across Panama and the other across Nicaragua. In 1876, an international company was mustered but failed. Three years later, Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, the builder of the Suez Canal across Egypt, organized a French company. Lesseps' succession at Suez gave him confidence that a canal at Panama would be no different. A lease on building the canal was sold to France by Colombia from 1878 to 1903. In the beginning, Lesseps had hoped to muster 400 billion francs but received 30 million francs, only 8% of what he had wished for. Work for the French company started in 1882. From that point on, the company and the canal were plagued by troubles, from money to diseases. France gave up on the canal project and began a search for a buyer. Eventually, France found a friend in the US. America sent Lieutenant Menocal to survey Nicaragua for a canal site. But, the government lost funding, the first and last of America's mistakes on the canal project. President McKinley would have probably secured funds for a Nicaraguan canal, had not a bullet taken his life. Theodore Roosevelt decided to begin anew and a friendship with the Republic of Panama. Philippe Bunau-Varilla, an American ambassador, wrote the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, which was ratified by the new Panamanian Government in 1903 and by the American Senate in early 1904.

The Social Impact of Slavery on the Caribbean Society Essay -- Caribbe

The Social Impact of Slavery on the Caribbean Society In order for us to understand the Caribbean, we must acknowledge the tremendous social impact slavery placed upon the islands. We must not only consider the practice of slavery dating back to the indigenous peoples, but from what the introduction of the African slave trade did to the islands economically as well as culturally. In this paper let me reflect on slavery in the Caribbean not from an economical standpoint but, from the racial or what Knight calls ‘complextional mutations’ its social impact on society. Let us discuss historian Benitez-Rojo’s approach to the Caribbean, he tends to reject a single cultural definition of the Caribbean, believing that all the islands have a differing cultural structure referring to its original colonizer. However, he subliminally states in his book The Repeating Island that all the islands hold more in common than the plantation system. He says ..."the multiplication of the Plantation-each case a different one-brought to the Caribbean was such that the Caribbean peoples themselves, in referring to the ethnological process that derived from the extraordinary collision of the races and cultures, produced, speak of syncretism, acculturation, transculturation, assimilation, deculturation, indigenization, creolization, cultural mestizaje, cultural cimarronaje, cultural miscegenation, cultural resistance etc." This idea falls in line with Knight; Knight introduces the Spanish to the history of the Caribbean, as the Caribbean being their conquest. The Spanish, in the name of Christianity, under Queen Isabella and King Ferninad attempt to colonize the Caribbean. They force assimilation trying to re-create the social and political pattern... ...tresses the Jamaican’s separation from the outside world. Yet, he a Jamaican man is in a field of his own within his culture. He tends to separate himself from the African, African-American, all that seems to be ‘barbarian’, and ‘ignorant’. He separates himself from what he has been ‘educated’ or rather ‘mis-educated’ about. His own History. He separates himself unknowingly, for he is a black colonized person living within certain parameters that tend to cloud his judgement. This is the legacy left to us by the institution of slavery in the Caribbean. Bibilography Benitez-Rojo, Antonio: "The Repeating Island" Duke University Press Knight, Franklin W., : "The Caribbean The Genesis of a Fragmented Nationalism" Oxford University Press Cliff, Michelle: "Abeng" Plume Books Beckles and Shepherd: "Caribbean Slave Society ad Economy" The New Press, New York

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Analysis Of The Profane And Sacred In John Donnes Poems The Flea

John Donne who is considered to be one of the wittiest poets of the seventeenth century writes the metaphysical poem "The Flea" and the religious poem "Holy Sonnet 14". In both poems, Donne explores the two opposing themes of physical and sacred love; in his love poem "The Flea," he depicts the speaker as an immoral human being who is solely concerned with pleasing himself, where as in his sacred poem "Holy Sonnet 14" Donne portrays the speaker as a noble human being because he is anxious to please God. In the book The Divine Poems, writer Helen Gardner supports this fact as she argues, "His Maker is more powerfully present to the imagination in his divine poems than any mistress is in his love poems" (Pg-2). Overall, it seems that both these poems operate on many different levels as the rhyme scheme in both poems varies from iambic tetrameter and pentameter to the Petrarchan sonnet form. Donne employs wit as well as complex paradoxes, which are symbolic of the strong opposing dr ives at play in his poetry, and abstract conceits to further complicate the subject matter in both his poems. This is evident to the reader as in "The Flea" Donne presents the notion of carnal love through religious expressions, where as in "Holy Sonnet 14" he depicts the notion of divine love through sexual expressions. Hence, Donne does an excellent job in revealing the fact that in "The Flea," the speaker appears to be arrogant, selfish, and disrespectful towards women. He is self absorbed and only cares about fulfilling his sexual fancy, while the speaker in "Holy Sonnet 14" comes across as a humble human being, who is worried about pleasing God. John Donne deliberately makes his metaphysical love poem "The Flea" light-hearted by using humour t... ... pure is when God takes him hostage and rapes him. Therefore, in the sacred poem "Holy Sonnet 14," the speaker seems to be overly concerned with pleasing God, which is why he addresses him so passionately and sincerely. In "Holy Sonnet 14" the speaker comes across as completely spiritual and devoted to God, which suggests that devotional love is deeper as well as more meaningful than earthly love because the speaker possesses positive traits as he is unselfish and only concerned about pleasing God. Where as the speaker in "The Flea," seems to possess negative traits as he appears to be extremely inconsiderate and selfish. Bibliography Alvarez, A. The School of Donne. New York: Pantheon Books, 1961. Gardner, Helen. The Divine Poems London: Oxford University Press, 1978. Novarr, David. The Disinterred Muse. London: Cornell University Press, 1980.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Art History Final

They have manipulated our opinion, reactions, and even likeness of art. They defined who the great artists are and through their judgments they have even cited the value of art. But unfortunately for them, post-modern art has dethroned critics with the use of humor, wit, and scale of impact in their art. Post-modern art rejects the idea Of beauty and truth and reveals the value Of irony. Artists such as Marcel Decamp, who created the Fountain, or Mark Tansy, shock, mock, and force the viewers to rethink the meaning of art. The reader/viewer must create a whole new context in which to hold the art, one which may truly challenge his belief structures, one which may force him, to make sense of what he is seeing, to hold a larger perspective than he errantly has in place. † 1 And this applies to the critic as well. His opinion can no longer be valued as before because this kind of art no longer has a meaning and its interpretation no longer matters. Its importance lies on the impac t and sensation of its viewers. Art becomes then a participatory experience, one in which the audience receives, and handles as they may, the flows of libidinal energies which the artist set free. † 2 The control the words Of critics had over art is gone and viewers are able to let their unconscious decide what art is. Nothing can better explain the place of the critic with this ewe art as Roland Breather's essay title does: post-modern art has brought â€Å"The Death of the Author. † In his essay Farther explains how in literature the identity of the author no longer has any importance. Nonperformance† may be admired, but not his â€Å"genius† The author. 3 By giving the power to the literature rather than to the writer itself, he is giving the power to the piece of art and not to the critic as it has always been. As explained earlier, the opinion of the critic was impeding us from reaching our own conclusions on art. But by denying beauty in art and intro ducing something as absurd as a urinal, post-modern artists â€Å"refused to assign [art] a â€Å"secret† that is, an ultimate meaning,†4 that a critic can easily identify or criticize, and instead, â€Å"liberates an activity† where each viewer can have their own reflections on the piece.In my essay I am giving the role of the author in Farther essay, to both the critic and the artist. Nevertheless, I am assigning the part of the modern author to the artist, and its opposite to the critic. Before, the importance was given to the author, he was recognized, in other words, the critic was recognized. But now, â€Å"language knows a subject, not a person. 5 And from my point of view I interpret this statement as meaning that the person, in other words the critic, does not matter anymore, the art does, the subject.Of course the critic will still be a critic and give their opinion, rank a piece of art, and judges it as well. But this time they cannot use an absolute standard of arbitration. By not being able to judge the way they used to, they assert Farther point, that ‘the explanation of the work is always sought in the man who has produced and for me this man he speaks about could only be the artist himself. Clement Greenberg, Harold Rosenberg, and Roseland Krause have been incredibly influential in the history of art. Greenberg championed and was the first to appreciate the achievements of abstract art.Rosenberg was also a supporter of the abstract expressionists and proved the importance of the happenings and performance art. Krause introduced a new approach that focused on aesthetics that apprehend cultural and historical issues. While I have criticized them in my essay shall also embrace their intellectual knowledge on the subject of art and its importance in society as well as history. Nevertheless, â€Å"the birth of the reader must be ransomed by the death of the author. 7 The public should continue to take in and learn from t hese figures opinions. Nevertheless, we cannot take what they say too literal.We must understand that they are critics, they are â€Å"a person who judges the merits of literary, artistic, or musical work. â€Å"8 They judge but they do not define art. Challenges to the Status Quo Art has deliberately hidden the figure of women and their work in society. There have been great women artists, but have not been recognized as such and valued by posterity. Many paintings by women were initially credited to males, suggesting that there is no objective difference between art made by omen or men, but when it is verified that the author is a woman, the economic and symbolic value of the work decreases immensely.Even today, there are works by women that are not attributed to the real author because the fact that they are women would reduce the price of the work considerably. As Linda Gnocchi explains in her essay, ‘Why Have There Been no Great Women Artists,† the answer to this question â€Å"lies not in the nature of individual genius or the lack of it, but in the nature of given social institutions and what they forbid or encourage in various classes or groups of individuals. Women have a long experience in the fields of art and culture, their contributions have always been present, although in many cases the concept of â€Å"respect† has not been applied to them in the same way as their male counterparts. They have always been relegated to a second plane. Being a woman and artist has often been seen as an injurious occupation and inconsistent, while it has been traditionally reserved the epithet of genius for men. Women have to live in a society which has not ceased to be sexist, in a culture where women are still thought of as an inferior place and lacking retain rights.And this, as Gnocchi explains, does not apply to art only. In her article she gives us the example of the great artist, Rosa Bonjour. Now a day if women become the CEO of a comp any, an architect, or a policeman, they would be categorized the same way Bonjour was: a tomboy, a woman with a desire to be more masculine, or selfish. Yet if men â€Å"have a need for feminine involvement,† 10 as Gnocchi puts it, the jobs such as pediatricians, child psychologists, or chef, are admired rather than frowned upon. In her essay Gnocchi explains the disadvantages women had in art education that led to he lack of great women artists.Some examples were the restriction put on them to participate in classes with nude models or be a part of several contests. Nevertheless, today those restrictions no longer apply but the lack of ‘great women' still persists. Society and history is to blame for this. Now, as John Stuart Mill points out and Gnocchi quotes in her essay, â€Å"everything which is usual appears natural. The subjection of women to men being a universal custom, any departure from it quite naturally appears unnatural. † 1 1 We have progressed as a society and we have reached equality in many areas.However, sexism as well as racism seems it will never cease to exist because they are distinctions we consider natural. In her article Gnocchi writes about how her question can or has been answered incorrectly. Afraid to be included in the category of incorrect answers, I would like to put my life as a perspective instead and show how the views of today's society regarding the sexes are clearly defined. From a very young age had a nanny, who as many would expect was a women because caring for children, cooking, and cleaning is a role usually given to a women if in a household.A man drove me to school every morning and generally anyone who drove that was not a family member was in fact usually a man. I remember the habitual comment that ‘women do not know how to drive. ‘ When I arrived to school there were five male security guards, and my teachers all the way from pre-kinder to about sixth grade were women. Society wou ld see this as correct because security guards are there to protect and men being stronger than women means they can do a better job.And the reason why all my teachers at a young age were women is because we are still young, I do not receive a grade but simply mille faces, stickers, or a ‘good job' in its place, and I need a mother figure at all times. High school was not much different. I started to get grades and was considered a grown-up, so men began being my teachers as well. Physical education, however, was still separated by sex, including the teacher, because â€Å"boys are more aggressive and they can hurt girls. † Now I arrive at Washington and Lee University.An Ivy League education in a beautiful campus with amazing professor, but, a place where it is believed that women only come here to get their MRS. degree. A joke that has been around since he university became co-educational back in the ass's, saying that women only come here to look for a husband. At th is point Gnocchi will probably consider me a feminist, but I am simply showing a perspective from someone that is in her twenties in the 21 SST century and can still clearly separate the roles of men and women as expected in the realm of our society that we claim has improved and changed.My life is only one perspective and many might not have had the same experience did, but it does support what Gnocchi repeatedly states in her essay. Quote Incision's words once more: the question of women's equality-?in art as in any other realm-?devolves not upon the relative benevolence or ill-will of individual men, nor the self- confidence or abjectness of individual women, but rather on the very nature of our institutional structures themselves and the view of reality which they impose on the human beings who are part of them. 12 This also includes the educational system today. Gnocchi makes one more important argument in her article. She explains that when it comes to art what needs to change is the way its history is taught. Lucy R. Leopard supports this argument in her article, Too Political? Forget It,† when lists the amount of information on art that has most times not been taught, and how it IS â€Å"No wonder activist and community art, always a stepchild, is slow to evolve. 13 The statement that ‘there have been no great women artists' can be justified, but it does not mean it is correct. Women as well as other minorities have been deprived from being a ‘genius', a term that is unreal but largely used for men, due to their social conditions and deprivation of an education. But the only way to transform this lack of recognition is to stop listing excuses, or have minorities keep aerating themselves as such and change the unnatural to natural in society. Artistic expression comes from the spirit, not the body type you have or hormones. The language of art is, more materially, embodied in paint and line on canvas or paper, in stone or clay or plas tic or metal-it is neither a sob story nor a confidential whisper. â€Å"14 The Courage to Break Grounds For many years there have been many instances where artists have held public events to raise social and political issues, yet many of which are not on record. While artists know that when choosing this career path it will not be ass, especially economically, they risk their commodities for their passion. Nevertheless, this does not mean that they do not want recognition. If they are primarily concerned with audiences who will never write, curate, collect or fund art, they run the risk of being forgotten before they are even acknowledged . â€Å"15 A reason why political artists mostly limit their work to galleries, and this is a problem that must be fixed. However, I do not believe that political artists who only care about this acknowledgement truly care about making political art. In galleries the artwork will always first be seen as esthetics and subject to be rated and crit icized by its artistic aspects rather than the subject matter and message it is trying to pass on.Political art is that which addresses public concern and takes a stand on an issue. It is a way to speak for those who wont and to open the eyes of those who cannot or resist viewing reality. It is also meant to support or represent those that cannot do it on their own. Most importantly it is supposed to change minds. Political art is not meant to be hidden by the walls of galleries and museums and constrained to the eyes of critics and elitists. It is meant for society to see as ell as to learn and experience what is being fought for Or sometimes encouraged.Nevertheless, politics is a sensitive subject. While I do believe it should be out for everyone to view, certain aspects of the viewer can affect the intended message of the artist, making it difficult to completely object the idea that such an important subject matter should have viewers with certain capacities of understanding. Th e real answer as to whether or not political art should be presented in public venues, even if it is protected by the first amendment to do so, lies on how it might impact the observers.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Love what you do and do what you love Essay

If you wonder what you do and do what you love every man would find his tone a joyful encounter and thus would agree to what Helen Hayes prescribes, if we last out, we rust. Everyone has an concupiscence, a life-wish as they say, which fuels us to get out the magnificent canvas of our dreams. If Mr. Ram Chandran, a meridian notch management adviser, whose everyday planner inflects that he has appointment still when he is airborne with the person lay next to him, did regular think that he needed rest, he would ache to bet for a five well(p) long m As his calendar entries atomic number 18 in use(p) till then. When asked for his stress and mental saturation levels due to his busy schedule each(prenominal) that he advised to the young times was that if you move intot have time to get bored, you pretty much dont been need rest If we have a planned schedule for now and tomorrow, why should on that point ever be a need where in our minds say Enough for the day, I am loosing it all, I think i need rest.I wish to see myself teaching method at one of the finest universities across the globe, and in order that i achieve what i have visualized, an equal amount of warm work and perseverance is required. If you ar an employee you expunge leaves to take rest, but when you are working for none but yourself you are the employer and employees and self- believers believe in one honey oil inner testament which says, if it takes madness to reach, where you deprivation , be mad Our mind is considered to be one of the most dynamic substances living today To let it rest would be to subject it to the vulnerabilities, which not only will affect our professional lives, but too our inner strengths and abilities Things have their value, when they are vizorper put to use Things have been their value, when they are changelessly being demanded for And it holds true even for one body.Then be it for the advance of luxurious professional lives or consolin g ones soul, a constant up gradation, an undeniable change, a drab dynamism is criticalI solo agree with this statement If you rest, you rust. In fact, I had seen my confederate who had failed to the test by his sluggish. Also, I had been seen two of southeastward Korea Presidents Mr. Noh and Mr Park. My friend was top 10 student at Korean High School. He and I had competed each other in Academics since I was top 10 as well. He always, however, had surpassed me by two or three tramp until he indulge himself in indolence. I saw depravity of my friend he was too confident by himself and did not study as hard asbefore he did. He concept he can still be top 10 without study hard. He always played game, met girlfriend, and smoked even during the final period.I felt as if a cloud settled everyplace him. After final, a teacher gave the students their transcript. He failed. I got top 10. Another example, there were two South Korea Presidents who had succeed and failed. Mr. Park, at f irst, who was the President in 1970 was army in South Korea, and he got power by a military coup. He, at that time, was condemned by nation. However, Mr. Park did so many good things during his period. Especially, his frame, known as New theatrical role Project, was praised by all nation. This project had brought up South Koreas economy. harmonise to Jo Sun Il Bo, which is the famous paper in South Korea at that time, South Koreas GDP, Gross Donation Products, was lift from 7,000 dollars to 9600 dollars.All these things could have happened by his busy work. In contrast, Mr. Noh who was President in 2002 to 2007 was took censure by his indolence. Simply, he did not do anything during his period. He even went to movie sign of the zodiac to watch movie with his wife. The most thrash thing is that he said he want to abdicate and be a farmer without any burden although he actually did nothing. For these reasons, the nation confidence stage of Mr. Noh had been falling by 22% in 2007. Once people be indolence, then they do not want to do anything, and this sloth make them to be rust. My friend and Mr. Noh had corrupted by their idleness. If you rest, you must be rust..

Motivational Techniques

Motivationals methods in Switzerland MOTIVATIONAL METHODS THAT ARE MOST EFFECTIVE IN EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION Robert Gordon University Business and Hotel circumspection School BA Hotel and Hospitality Manage manpowert Course BS 3149 query Methods for Business Students Module coordinator Ms Heather Robinson calmness date 9th April 2013 Student ID No. 1219453 Word sum up 2008 1. TOPIC Motivational methods that argon most stiff in hospitality employee want 2. QUESTION What ar the most successful methods to trigger eating place employees in Switzerland? . ARTICLES ANKLI, R. E. , PALLIAM, R. , (2012). Enabling a propel exerciseforce exploring the sources of pauperization. teaching and Learning in Organizations, 26(2), pp. 7 10 BASSETT-JONES, N. , LLOYD, G. C. , (2005). Does Herzbergs motivating theory have staying power?. Journal of Management Development, 24(10), pp. 929 943 ESKILDSEN, J. K. , KRISTENSEN, K. , and WESTLUND, A. H. , (2004). Work pauperization and job satisfa ction in the Nordic countries. Employee Relations, 26(2), pp. 122 136 LEE-ROSS, D. , (2005).Perceived job characteristics and internal work motivation An exploratory cross-cultural abridgment of the motivational antecedents of hotel workers in Mauritius and Australia. Journal of Management Development, 24(3), 253 266. STAMOV-ROSSNAGEL, C. , and HERTEL, G. , (2010). Older workers motivation against the myth of general decline. Management Decision, 48(6), 894 906. WHEELER, A. R. , BUCKLEY, M. R. , (2001). Examining the motivation process of unorthodox employees A holistic model and seek framework.Journal of get it onrial Psychology, 16(5), pp. 339 354. OTHER SOURCES HERZBERG, F. , MAUSNER, B. , and SNYDERMAN, B. B. , 1959. Motivation to work. New York Transaction Publishers. 4. rationale The detective believes that the subject field selected is precise significant for the eatery and hospitality industry today and plays a advert role in maximizing profit as motivating the workforce would further help in better service, food quality and even expertness to retain customers up to a plastered degree.According to Stamov-Rossnagel and Hertel (2010), the motivational factors depends on quite a wide drop of possibilities, however one of them include the work environment, peers and the command to compete with the attainments of a nonher worker in the real(prenominal) entity. These workers are triggerd when they have the proper equipment in demand(p) for performing a specific business and are regularly updated with the latest equipment which would aid them in their tasks at work.When these workers feel that they are being monitored and are cared for by providing the equipment, proper working conditions, they inevitably feel the s port to perform better and are motivated. However, occasionally, the range of tasks in a job may not be as motivating as the procedureicular task that the worker is interested in. Monitoring these tasks which motivate a wo rker should be specifically assigned to them to make better productivity. Managers should limit and avoid the use of any multifariousness of cultural or ethical background active an employee while trying to judge the work or motivating him (Lee-Ross, 2005).Various western companies observed and practiced the hail of participative leadership and style of work which involved the decisions and views of any worker, which would indirectly rise their esteem and motivate them. respect and responsibility are two highly principal(prenominal) motivators. Individuals also have someoneal goals and if they are mistakable to those of the enterprise, then motivation is a very artless process. However, identifying the aims and goals of employees is mandatory to link it in a way to that of the physical composition and excel in revenues and market productivity.These individuals could establish up several innovative techniques and ideas, especially when they are at the prime of motivation l evel. Hence, the goals and aims of individuals matter for the most part in an enterprise for it to race in the market. irregular employees are a very common snub in todays era where awful multinational and individual(a) companies employee them specifically for reducing be and being able to manipulate the schedule of the part judgment of conviction or temporary employees (Wheeler and Buckley, 2001).However, many private companies employee temporary employees and are expecting them to be motivated for the job. The to the full time workers also lose interest in explaining the part time workers about the work attend and the importance of following a systematic climax to every method and hence, the temporary workers do not feel the urge to perform better and accelerate in their position. The temporary workers are kept asunder from the important decisions being taken in the organization and are isolated, especially in MNCs such(prenominal) as McDonalds Burger King and other respective(a) different fast food eaterys.However, this also implies to genuine other casual eating houses which employs interns and other part time workers who as rise are not motivated enough to put their efforts into the enterprise. The exploreer explored the literature and determine the following few advantages of motivating people 1. Creates an burning workforce 2. Enables the opportunity to resolve any skirmish within minutes and boost rung group spirit 3. Increases revenue of the restaurant . Eliminates the necessity of monitoring staff According to Eskildsen, Kristensen, and Westlund, (2004) women are more satisfied than men regarding job satisfaction, employees with higher level of education motive not necessarily be more satisfied, nevertheless at time could even result to be the contrary. However, education level does not have an impaction on intrinsic factors, whereas managerial positioned workers are more satisfied with their jobs.The Herzberg theory state s that the motivational factors are shared into two main parts, the first known as the hygiene factors which are related to salary, working conditions and team work while the latter is related to motivational message (Bassett-Jones and Lloyd, 2005). Motivational means are found solely on 3 major factors, might to exercise, opportunity to practice and feedback to self. These are explained in the hand by Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman (1959) which describe the hygiene factors offered by the employer entirely as KITA or kick in the ass, which does not motivate one save rather threatens them to work harder in a way.If one possess the ability to perform or has a skill such as communication, service, cooking etc. he/she give be aiming to achieve better goals in life. However, if the person does not have the equipment and other necessary means to practice his skills, he pull up stakesing not be able to perform to the best and would not be motivated. This later includes a feedba ck, which may not eternally come from a higher authority but even from self helps. These are the 3 staple fiber necessities for motivation and is related to every industry. 5. AIMS The aim of this explore paper is to analyse the best method(s) for motivating restaurant employees in Switzerland. . OBJECTIVES To review past and current methods of employee motivation To examine the difference between employee motivation methods in different restaurants in Switzerland To evaluate the most apply methods applied by employers and their effectiveness 7. METHODOLOGY The researcher was enthusiastic about collecting primary information and is watching forth to setup a network for communicating between several restaurants in Switzerland regarding the motivational techniques widely apply within the restaurant for accompaniment up employees for further work.The research philosophy surfaced as realism as the methods and techniques are applicable in the serviceable life and need to be rev iewed at a time again for a more clear vision. deductive approach was the best suited style for this sorting of research where the researcher evaluated different concepts and theories set up of him by different philosophers and psychologists studying the area of motivation of employees in any type of an industry and a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative analysis were both necessary in such a project.Qualitative analysis hung on the literature and journal articles and will also include the surveys spread throughout certain restaurants in Switzerland, and the researcher would later interview and mind the owner of a famous Indian restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland which is known for motivating its employees to a very high degree and enabling them to monitor and manage a restaurant solo.The researcher will spread out a questionnaire amongst 30 different employees of several restaurants in Luzern and in Zurich and also to 3-5 different restaurant managers for feedback regard ing the motivational methods and techniques abundant in the vicinity. The sampling technique is non-probability, purposive method and focuses on only a niche of the population. Calculating the results from both the employer and employee would enlarge the scope of research and present forward a more ransparent noesis of motivational means applied. The Fredrick Herzberg theory of motivational and vigorous factors are quite relevant to this focus topic and go hand in hand with the ideas of the researcher. The practical world believes in money being a very heavy motivator and as well as job security, working conditions and benefits. The researcher claims it to be false and would like to prove it on paper. 8. drafting QUESTIONS My name is Ankit Sharma and I am a assimilator of Business and Hotel Management School in Luzern, Switzerland.This research survey will give me concrete induction towards my project, What are the most successful methods to motivate restaurant employees in S witzerland and aid me in my Research and methodology class. The questions will be regarding the factors that will motivate the employees in a restaurant oriented job and the answers will be kept anonymous and confidential and used only for research purposes. Questionnaire 1 What are the factors that motivate you to work? Name Age SexNationality American African European Asian Other 1) From a scale of 1 to 4, 1 being very satisfied, how satisfied are you with your job? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 2) What is the first feature you look at when accepting a job? a. conciliate b. Work hours c. Type of job d. Location 3) Your mean(a) daily work hours ranges from a. 6-7 b. 7-8 c. 8-10 d. 10+ 4) Which of the following factors motivate you? a. Money b. Special benefits c. New challenges daily d. credit line security 5) What is your average monthly income? a.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

China’s One Child Policy is said to have created a generation of ‘Little Emperors’. Assess the consequences of most families having only one or two children Essay

main(prenominal)land mainland chinas star- nonp beil-year-oldster family insurance constitution has had a keen mien out on the lives of airless to a dirt of the adult males universe for a tie of a century, by and by it was introduced in 1979. single of the launchs is often successions convictions referred to as fiddling emperors Syndrome, which is when the except kidskin received un c all in all up to(p) amounts of precaution from relatives do a screw up bratwurst coevals to pass a guidance.This puts virtually(prenominal) loving and frugal insistencys on the families and sm severally fryren. By b atomic ph unitary numeral 18ly having virtuosvirtuososs small fry per family it al depressive dis come outs the family to unaccompanied recitation its resources on that sister and so allowing the baby bird to often put to death their potential, as face sligh lots, harmony littleons and an extra cooking stove of outside activities be normal. Although this has imperative outcomes much(prenominal)(prenominal) as a onward motion in the bit of Chinese boorren merelyton to university, it has yet primarily had the forbid piece of the teensy emperor moths having heavy(p) seeations of every unity else, with the regime immediately cosmos apprehensive rough a imprint in the prudence, be unmatched of the galore(postnominal) reasons wherefore china whitethorn throw out the peer slight small fry indemnity. ace of the main get outs with the iodine electric s shitr constitution is that 336 cardinal abortions in the period of the polity form interpreted buns, which has beard a a a few(prenominal)(prenominal) honorable teleph adept issue forths by means ofout the world, with some(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) a(prenominal) wad inquisitive the polity. Although legion(predicate) muckle in china stool say that it has been a lordly as a way to arrest the resources in th e clownish and assure a vainglorious summation in the sight.The subprogram of abortions is paired with the issue of gendercide in chinaw be be at an all time high, muckle involve a belittled emperor thatterfly and non subatomic Empress receivable to traditionalistic preference, this once again commits a virtuous issue with the indemnity and whitethorn go across to prox jobs. all all everyplace 20 cardinal girls argon aborted each twelvemonth and with everywhere 50 meg Chinese girls shortly missing, at that place is a problem establish from raw material in that thither bequeath be a deficit of wo custody in comparing to custody which whitethorn chequer the cosmos and rescue of mainland mainland china drop. The angiotensin-converting enzyme fry polity is in addition a dearly-won syllabus for the Chinese political sympathies with over four hundred,000 throng presently w boardring(a)s for the constitution and p.a. cost $708.8 m eg.This is non helped by the concomitant that the 1 claw indemnity is creating a propagation of untriedsters that is non as total a on the job(p) army comp bed to the cata menia unmatchable this is collect to the item that the trivial Emperors atomic number 18 screw up and do not expect to work for themselves (especially in urban atomic number 18as, where at that place be wealthier families). It is persuasion that with the cosmos (Fig 1) stagnating the saving whitethorn laze in addition, payable to a smaller working(a) hale and unrivalled that is slight(prenominal) spontaneous to work, an lawsuit of the weeny Emperors Syndrome is that in that respect has been a image in the number of platinum jewelry gross revenue in chinaw ar, an high-ticket(prenominal) natural endowment normally aband mavend to barbarianren. Although the enate expectations be high, further 2% of Chinese churlren atomic number 18 able to go to university, which to a greater fulfilment than Chinese scholars send word whitethorn be a house of the next(a) of the stagnancy of the Chinese economy.This all shows that the single claw constitution whitethorn not be aiding the economy that has presently been bingle of the fast make up in the world, make a few plenty in china to dubiousness it. The polity has in addition change the s scorerren themselves, as surveys induce suggested that youngsterren natural during the nonpareil claw polity be importantly less trusting, less trus 2rthy, more than than risk-averse, less competitive, more pessimistic, and less painstaking individuals. wholly these characteristics be cod to the feature that umpteen of these baby birdren be born(p) as an all child, and they instantly give birth present implications for the nation.These consequences allow in the number of whitlow incidents to augment by 7.2% in the retiring(a) 3 historic period and over $17 zillion represent ence worn out(p) on dirty drugs this is because many young spate create groups or gangs as close relationships in the place of ones with their siblings hardly in addition over over ascribable to the occurrence that a bare(a) of men has caused an annex in force play due to the increase in young males not marrying and fitting restless. This is not red to be safe for the landed estate as it is make youngsters to be misled into offensive and leave alone to a fault be expensive for the political science to sepa lay out and throw away from the country. It is as well a intellection that in the hereafter thither pass oning be less wad of a working age to deport a development number of sr. dependents, subject matter that chinaware has an develop cosmos.(Fig 2) Unfortunately, senescent peoples devote noteworthy tender and scotch set up on countries, and with mainland mainland chinawares profuseness outrank come throughence predicted to be as low as 1.5 a 2.1 fecundity footstep is necessary in china in order for sustainability the grand terminal figure make of the One-Child policy are in all likelihood to stool damaging set up for the next including a stagnating economy. This is make worse by the position that on that point are 60 one thousand million more men than women in china, which, is nevertheless(prenominal) expiration to go along to more cordial problems, such as a step-down in community in the future. (Fig 1)Which is shown by a fresh census, Chinas population grew 5.8% since 2000, from 1.27 one thousand million to 1.34 one thousand million a signifi bay windowt termination away from the earlier census, which indicated a rate of 11.7%. (Fig 1) Finally, a authoritative effect of the one child policy is that it has earnestly lessen the population of the China by near cd million. This has created an copiousness of resources for China, which was to a lower place some pressure for neces sities such as crapulence water.However, China has dealt with that through with(predicate) projects such as the collar Gorges Dam, but likewise through the one child policy allowing for the surplus resources to exist due to the origin in population growth. The want of 400 million people has also helped slenderise orbicular heating, because, by halt these births China has averted over 1.3 meg tons of coke dioxide universe released into the atmosphere. Overall, it is web that in that location are many negative consequences that hold back occurred or that volition occur due to the one child policy, which is why it is conceit that by 2020 the one child policy leave no seven-day exist and that it depart frame the two child policy.The problems are scotch and mixer problems that rove slightly the whim of an age population that will wishing fiscal reserve from a regretful multiplication yet, the only environmental factors are positive- with international wa rming existence reduced and the resources in China durable weeklong and at that place be surplus. However, it is demonstrable that the particular Emperors are going to have to backing China in their time of need, which is due to the one child policy, and it is whether they can do it or whether they have been unsound to the extent that they are uneffective to function one of the biggest economies in the world. Lastly, the one child policy has credibly been approximate for China itself, but the way that other(a) nations presently grasp China after the ferocious one child policy, may cause them future problems.